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2021 Queens

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Natalie Aviles

2021 Miss McGregor

Natalie is a second year college student at Temple College majoring in Medicine, specializing in Oncology. She is an active member of Bethlehem Christian Church, Community Cancer Association, Waco Tennis Association, and volunteers at Shepherd’s Heart. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her family, reading, hiking, kayaking, and traveling.

Lena Lane

2021 Teen Miss McGregor

Lena is a Junior at McGregor High School. She is a percussionist in the band, an active student council member, a varsity cheerleader, and a class officer. In her free time, Lena enjoys listening to music, working out, journaling, and vlogging on her Instagram. Lena aspires to be an influencer.

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Analiyah Jaimes

2021 Junior Miss McGregor

Analiyah attends McGregor Elementary and she is a member of the MYA softball, basketball, and cheer team. She attends CCE class at St. Eugene Church and classical dance lessons at Let's Dance McGregor. Analiyah enjoys karaoke, painting, playing all sports, and making new friendships.

Layla Lewis

2021 Little Miss McGregor

Layla attends Kindergarten at McGregor Primary School. She is a first year gymnast at Flips Gymnastics Center and a second year classical dancer at Let's Dance McGregor. Layla volunteers at a foster home in McGregor with special needs children. Layla loves painting, music, and dancing.

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